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PREPARE YOURSELF…Intel Computer Slowdowns are coming…

Intel Security Vulnerability

Do you enjoy the blazing speeds of Intel processors?  Well, prepare yourself… they are about to get a whole lot slower soon. 

A major security vulnerability has been discovered and the only solutions for the time being is a patch which will reduce performance by up to 30 percent! 

What can you do about this?  Nothing, and you don’t want to.  This security flaw is so critical that the performance hit is WORTH IT to mitigate the risk.  Hackers could take over any network, website, server, or computer attached to the internet without the patch.  Specific details of the vulnerability have not been released to prevent hackers from guessing the way the vulnerability works.

Linux users should have already received the patch and Windows is preparing to release its patch.  There is no word from Apple regarding a planned patch.  AMD processor users are not affected by this vulnerability.

If you found this post useful, like our page.  If you would like more information about this or any other cyber security related matter, please call today!  719-330-8531

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