Happy New Year! I hope your 2017 was a good one. For us, at Guardian Solutions, 2017 was a year filled with new friendships and many successes. We really enjoy being in the web design and online marketing business because we learn so much about different kinds of companies and we get to help them grow.
In 2017, we were chosen to create a website for Air Academy High School’s 60th Anniversary, kadetlegacy.org. The site was fun to put together creating photo collages, video galleries, and an event module that provides the ability to register for events that run throughout the year.
One of our favorite website projects was learning all about wine and wine pairings from sommelier Michaela Hightower. We did a lot of research for her new website, WineEventsbyMichaela.com, (if you get what I mean).
And, we did a lot of sites for business owners in the construction industry. So much so, that we’ve created a new division and website (Contractor-Marketing.com) working specifically with contractors.
In 2017, we helped a number of companies, like Springs Backsplash Company and Artisan Window Screen Repair, to design new websites and rank on page one of Google.
And, we helped Globelink Foreign Language Center get a full-page article in the Colorado Springs Business Journal which gave them some much needed exposure. If you’re not familiar with Globelink, they provide translation and interpreter services as well as language classes. Perhaps the most notable thing they do, that no one knows about, is translate the NORAD Santa Tracker website into eight different languages so kids from all over the world can track Santa’s route.
2018 – Looking Forward
This year we are looking forward to expanding our offerings and growing as a company. We’re starting the year with this update so that we can keep in touch with all of you. Things change so fast we don’t always get around to calling everyone. But, we are always here if you need us. Here are just a few newsworthy things to share:
Google Reviews
As 2018 begins the thing that most companies are talking about is “Google Reviews”. Do I need Google Reviews? How do we get more Google Reviews, or any reviews for that matter? So, this year we’ve added a new software platform to our offerings that allows businesses to get, manage and respond to reviews more easily. And, not just Google Reviews. Our new software automates review requests by either email or text message. It allows clients to post to the site of their choice from a list of sites that you choose and are important to you. Then, it updates your website and social media sites with those reviews.
Search Engine Optimization
One of the two key ingredients to search engine optimization and ranking on page one of Google is great keyword rich content. We were excited at the end of 2017 to add Tara to our team. Tara is a published author and writes excellent content. She will not only be working on content for new sites but will be writing blogs for clients as well as us.
Marketing Audits
Another service we are offering in 2018 is full blown marketing audits. What we have found working with our clients is that their brand message is being lost across channels and is ineffective. Our marketing audits help identify opportunities to get better exposure and better customer conversion both online and off.
If you’ve read this far and have any questions, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me on my direct line at 719-330-8531 or call the main number at 719-368-4887.