By Guardian Solutions LLC on Friday, 31 January 2014
Category: Cyber-Security

Yahoo Passwords Compromised

Yahoo announced that there was a major security breach in a 'third-party' database compromise.  Mail users are urged to reset and strengthen their password immediately.  A strong password schema consists of a password with greater than 8 characters, mixed case (upper and lower case letters), special characters, and numbers.  password123 is not a strong password, where P4$$W*r6951 is a strong password.  Yahoo will be implementing what is called 'two-factor' authentication.  This will most likely mirror the Paypal two-factor authentication scheme where when logging in, users will be sent an SMS to their mobile devices and will have to enter user name, password, and code sent by SMS.  While you are thinking about your passwords, when is the last time you changed ALL of your passwords?  Are you using the same password for all your accounts?  are you incorporating information that can be gleaned from your Facebook page?  Name of significant other, pet, dates of importance, etc?  If you are concerned about security for your business, give Guardian Solutions LLC a call today to talk about your custom security policy. 719.749.1112